Address: Ac. Volgin str., 6 (ulitsa Akademika Volgina, 6), Moscow, 117485, Russia
(in Russian: ул. Академика Волгина, 6, Москва, 117485, Россия).
Fax: +7 (495) 330-85-65
Phone: +7 (495) 330-89-47 (International Department)
Getting to the Institute:
- Калужская / Kaluzhskaya metro station at Line 6 (orange), exit closer to head of the train coming from city center (“Выход на улицу Обручева, к улице Академика Волгина”), in the underpass go straight, exit to the street will be on the right); take buses ## 226, 295, your stop is “Институт русского языка имени А.С. Пушкина” (Institut russkogo yazyka imeni Pushkina). The Institute is 100 m back from the stop.
- Юго-Западная / Yugo-Zapadnaya metro station at Line 1 (red), exit closer to end of the train coming from city center, “Выход на улицу 26 бакинских комиссаров”), in the underpass turn left, exit to the street will be on the left); take bus # 226, your stop is “Институт русского языка имени А.С. Пушкина” (Institut russkogo yazyka imeni Pushkina). . Go 50 m back to the pedestrian crossing with traffic lights, cross ulitsa Akademika Volgina, turn right and go 100 m straight.
Also the Institute may be reached by passing on foot through residental areas from Беляево / Belyaevo metro station , it may take some 15-20 minutes. We recommend to use this way only at the daytime.